Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Shrug

It only took a week of occasional knitting and I have my DD birthday present done. As you know I made her a shrug. I found the pattern online at Woolly Mammoth Knits. It is called the Bella Sera for cool beautiful summer evenings. It is a great pattern, and a very quick knit using worsted weight cotton. It also is a beginner level pattern. Stockinette, garter stitches, increases and yarn overs are all you need to know.

I had it almost done, and even though it measured several times and it showed that I was on gauge, it didn't look big enough. I brought it to work. There are two girls that are about the same size as Ann. I had Heather try it on and it fit her fine. I took it home and did the finish work on it. Brought it back to work and Keely modeled it for me, so I could take a picture for the blog. (Heather had on the wrong type of blouse). http://www.woollymammothknits.com/bellasera.html

They both fell in love with it, and want to make one. Neither of them knit, so they are going to start coming to knitting. I told them that we would be happy to teach them how! We have taught quite a few of our group. Everyone says she will love it. Now I just have to wait a month before I can send it to her. LOL

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