Monday, September 6, 2010

Craft Room Update

Okay, I know it has been months since I finished the desk in my craft room. I finally took the time to move most of my sewing stuff down today. It is really nice to have a holiday to catch up on things. It still isn't finished, but things are a step further than they were!Now that it is nearing completion, I DESPERATELY need to decorate. Oh well, I guess it doesn't hurt to have a work in progress...

Baby Dress & Mary Janes

Darlene, a friend of mine at work, asked me to make a baby dress and booties for her daughter that is expecting next month. She knew exactly what she wanted. It was the dress and Mary Janes that I had made about a year ago for another shower.

Both of the patterns I found on the internet. The dress is Little Sister's Dress here and the Mary Janes are here The Mary Jane's only take me about a half hour to work up. I make a newborn size with fingering weight and 6 month size with sport weight.

Last time I just used a varigated yarn. I liked it, but decided this time I was going to try having a bit more of an organized pattern. I used Bernat Baby Jaquards and this is what I got. I think it turned out really cute.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Shrug

It only took a week of occasional knitting and I have my DD birthday present done. As you know I made her a shrug. I found the pattern online at Woolly Mammoth Knits. It is called the Bella Sera for cool beautiful summer evenings. It is a great pattern, and a very quick knit using worsted weight cotton. It also is a beginner level pattern. Stockinette, garter stitches, increases and yarn overs are all you need to know.

I had it almost done, and even though it measured several times and it showed that I was on gauge, it didn't look big enough. I brought it to work. There are two girls that are about the same size as Ann. I had Heather try it on and it fit her fine. I took it home and did the finish work on it. Brought it back to work and Keely modeled it for me, so I could take a picture for the blog. (Heather had on the wrong type of blouse).

They both fell in love with it, and want to make one. Neither of them knit, so they are going to start coming to knitting. I told them that we would be happy to teach them how! We have taught quite a few of our group. Everyone says she will love it. Now I just have to wait a month before I can send it to her. LOL

Friday, August 6, 2010

Yarn Shopping

I decided to go yarn shopping on my lunch hour. I really didn't intend to spend that much, but she had what I wanted and today was payday, so what is a girl to do? $57 later I have enough yarn for 4 projects. And it is all beautiful! LOL

I started on the next tie using the brown Zino that I bought. I had to go up 3 sizes on the needles to get the right gauge. From a 1 to a 4. Probably the difference in my knitting and the yarn. I only have several inches so far and I love it! I love the look of it so much better than the one I finished. I wanted to see if they had the same thing in a blue colorway. I bought the one below. Came home and started comparing it to the black/gray colorway, and they are the same one. This skein shows the blue and the other the gray. It has all three colors. I guess I will take one of them back and exchange for the red that they had. I couldn't believe that Jan and I didn't realize it! I mentioned in the previous post that I had found a bag online to knit for my sister instead of designing another one. I needed a feltable worsted. Galway came out with a brand new color. It looks like denim. It is gorgeous. Last, but not least I have been thinking of what to give my daughter for her birthday next month. I decided on a shrug. I found the cutest pattern on Wooly Mammoth Knits. It is called the Bella Sera Shrug. I thought it would be a great item for layering. I also love the detail with the ribbon eyelet.
I am going to make it out of this really pretty gray worsted cotton. She should be able to wear it almost year round down in Phoenix.
Well, now that I have enough yarn to knit for a couple of months, I better get busy!

Oh, I almost forgot. A neigbor emailed me yesterday and asked if I had anymore of the dishcloth/potholder sets left from by boutique at Christmas. She needed 8. I looked when I got home and had 7 sets and the dishcloths for the 8th one. All I need to do is make 1 potholder. She is going to buy all of them. I guess I will need to make a a couple more sets in my spare time! They are great for shower and neighbor gifts.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

1st Felted Bag

I finished the knitting on the Booga Bag, and threw it in with a load of laundry this morning. The directions say to find a box the same size as the bottom, cover the box with a plastic bag and put it inside. Let it sit for a couple of days and that helps block it so that it will sit up. I searched HIGH and LOW for a box this morning and couldn't find one. Necessity then became the mother of invention. I ended up with a 3 ring binder, two oatmeal boxed and a piece of wood. Hey, it was the right size!!LOL
When I came home tonight I looked at it again and decided that it needed another wash cycle. It isn't felted enough. At least I have the insert ready when it is :>
I decided to do men's ties for Christmas. I found a really cool pattern on Knit Picks. They look really nice. I had a hard time finding yarn that I liked. I'm not sure that I really like this blue. It was supposed to stripe, and it looks more like jaquard. (bummer) It is all rolled up because it is knit on the bias. The pattern is super easy, although it takes time. It is done on size 1 needles. I'm thinking the lining is going to be the harder part of the project. 1 down 4 more to go! I found some great brown and black stipe though for the others. It is Zino by Plymouth. I may invest in a different blue if I can find one though since this is so easy.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


I finally got around to taking some pictures of some of the things that I have done recently. As you can see none of them have the finishing work done, but the knitting part is. I have to put linings in all of them.

This first one is the Mallory Bag. This one is the Amble. The tie in the front is supposed to have a buckle. I can't seem to find anything but gold and I really want silver. I may have to paint the one I bought. I have the handles done, just now sewn on. The lining mom gave me. (see below purse) The blues match almost perfectly.
Here is the one that I designed. I really like the way it has turned out also. I have the handles, and even put them on, but decided I didn't like the way they looked. I am going to attatch them in a different way. They are going to be double twisted i-cord.

Speaking of which, I can't believe that I have been a knitter for almost 20 years and have only heard of i-cord about the last 2. I did an attatched i-cord finish on the edge of the bag and love the way it works. I can tell I am definately going to be using it a lot now that I know how to do it.
This is the beginnings of the Booga Bag. It is wool done on size 11 needles. It will be my first felted project. I hope it turns out well! The knitting is easy anyway.
These are the three skeins of yarn that I bought recently for the men's ties. I think that they will turn out beautiful. I am really excited for them.

I was going to design another bag for Christmas, but found a pattern on Ravelry that I am going to use instead. It is another felted one. It is called the Braided Cable Handle Tote. I really like it and so I am going to do this one instead.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bags and More Bags

I have been working on quite a few of the purses that I have been doing for Christmas. I have finished the knitting on 3 and just have to do the lining on them. Unfortunately, I have to find the time to organize my craft room a little bit and bring down my sewing machine so that I can do them. :/ Maybe I'll work on a couple of the other ones in the meantime.

Came home and sat down and worked on the gray purse that I designed. Wouldn't you know that I didn't have to take it out once! Like I said, I think it was a concentration problem. I am really pleased with the way it has turned out. I took it in to my LYS Saturday. I wanted to get an opinion on what to do with the handles. I couldn't decide whether to go with leather or do a I cord handle. I decided on the I-cord. I am making two small ones and twisting them together. Hopefully I will be able to post some pictures of these creations soon. Jan the owner really liked my bag. That made me feel really good.

I have 3 more left. 2 of them are felted bags that I have patterns for and the other one is going to be another original design. I have some ideas, but we shall see what happens. I'm not sure what shape to make it. I think I want it smaller than this gray one I just finished.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Dress Revised

When I went to Arizona last week for vacation I took a lot of the gifts that I have done. It feels good to have half of Christmas done all ready. I returned again and again to the little dress that I had made and decided that I really didn't like the crocheted flowers on it. They were too clunky. I went to the dollar store instead and bought some artificial flowers. I couldn't believe that I found the same shade of purple. I cut a couple of them off and sewed them on. I thought that they looked much better.

While I was down south I went to a couple of yarn stores. I found the yarn that I am going to use on one of the felted bags I am doing. I bought two skeins of dark brown and ecru and am going to manually stripe it. I found 3 skeins of yarn for the ties that I want to do for the guys in the family. Got to the register and it was $78. Even though I could have done it I decided not to while on vacation. I bought the yarn for the bag and one of the skeins for the ties. I will have to get more tie yarn later when it is in the budget.

I did a lot of knitting in the car and while we were visiting. I got one of the bags done, but kept having to take the one I designed out. My mom said I was never going to get it done. I don't know what the issue was. Concentration I guess.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Purse and Stocking

I have been working on two projects since I blogged last. I have finished all of the knitting for the first purse that I am working on. I am doing 5, at least I think I am. That is the plan. The first one is called the Mallory Bag. I found it in Creative Knitting Magazine and fell in love with it.

I ordered the purse handles a month ago online. They sent me an email confirming that they shipped them about a week later. They were supposed to call me and I hadn't heard anything. I finally went in today and they hunted them down for me. I can't wait to put it together and see how it turns out. I will post a picture as soon as it is done.

I started on a Christmas Stocking for my daughter's boyfriend for Christmas. He is old enough to be out on his own, so I though I would make one for him. I am making the one in the picture below. It is called the Hugs and Kisses stocking. It is an Aran pattern. I had it almost down to the heel this morning and found out I was off on the rows. I had to take about 20 of them out so that I could find my place again! It is turning out gorgeous though.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Poncho and Dress

I did the finishing work on two of my projects last night and today. Here is the other little girl's poncho that I was working on. The pattern doesn't call for the flower. I added it for an extra something. I think it looks really cute.
This pattern is one of my first dress designs. I combined a couple of patterns. I turned out pretty much how I wanted it to. It is a size 18 months. I like the roses, but I'm not sure about their size. I did them in sport yarn like the dress. I think that I would like them a little better if they were more delicate. I'm thinking about taking them off and doing the same thing in crochet thread.

I have all ready got my next project 1/3 of the way done. I am working on a cabled purse. It is the Mallory Bag by Barb Bettegnies that was in Creative Knitting Magazine. It should be done in a couple of days. I need to go get the handles for it. It also has a lining. I am excited to see it finished in person.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

My New Cardigan

In October last year I started a new cardigan for myself. I got the back and both front pieces done, and then Christmas happened. I finally picked it back up last week and finished it. Just in time to wear it once before I put it away for next year. LOL! I like the color and the 3/4" sleeves. I am not really sure I like the neckline though. I stands up a bit, when I thought it would lay flat. Maybe it is because my shoulders are so narrow. I think that if I were to do the pattern again, I would pick up less stitches on the top, so that it would lay flat on me.

Monday, April 19, 2010


I finished the first of the two ponchos that I want to make for Christmas this year. I think that it turned out really cute. The pattern is so easy. I think I am going to add a crocheted rose to the front to dress it up though. Flowers are really in right now.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Going to the Next Level

In an effort to better my blog I have asked my daughter to make a new one for me. She is an amazing artist. I told her I would like to hire her to draw one for me. She said she would. I can't wait to see it.

I have signed up for several knitting newsletters. The other day I noticed an ad for a website that I had not noticed before called "Ravelry". I thought I would check it out. SO COOL! It is a website for knitters and crocheters. There are forums, that are fun on 1000's of topics. What I am really excited about is that there is a section to keep track of all your completed projects, works in progress, and a queue for the things that you want to do with pictures. You can also keep track of your yarn stash, books/patterns, needles and that kind of thing. They will even link to your blog and update when you update your blog. How cool is that? I spent part of the weekend putting some of my Christmas projects in, things I am working on and a list of things that I want to do. This is one of those times that I say "I love technology". My grandmother would have loved it!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

This and That

I have been a bad blogger lately. It isn't that I haven't had projects going, I have. I just have been really busy lately. I will try and be better. The picture below is a dress scarf that I finished in January. The yarn I used was a bunch of novelty yarns put together into one skein. I tried to do a different pattern originally and it just didn't work with the yarn. This is what I came up with. I would tell you what I used, but I can't find the yarn label. I am going to have to call my LYS and ask her what it was!In my last blog I mentioned that I had just finished an afghan. I am doing two of them the same for Christmas. I revised the dimensions a little when I did the second one. I liked it so much better that I pulled the first one apart and reknit it. Thankfully the pattern is really easy. They are both now done and will go on the shelf to wait.

I designed and knitted a felted bag to hold my phone charger and earphones. I take them to work every day so I can listen to music if I am filing or it isn't too busy. I will post a picture as soon as I find a button I like to put on and finish it.

I have a new "large" project. It originally started out to be an afghan for my daughter for Christmas. I showed it to a friend that knows her well and she mentioned that the colors seemed more mine than Ann's. I thought about it for a couple of days, and had to concede that she was right. I am still going to finish it. I love the pattern and the colors! It is an Heirloom knitted 9 patch quilt. I am going to make it for the guest bedroom. I haven't decorated in there, and so it will be my starting point. Now I just need to decide on a new Christmas present.

A couple of nights ago I pulled out a sweater that I started before Christmas for myself. I have all but the sleeves done. It is out of Bernat Baby Jacquards yarn. It has a background of white and then a lot of pastel colors. The yarn is dyed so that it looks like I am changing colors and making its own design. I really like the way it is turning out. Too bad that it is really starting to warm up here. It was in the 80's yesterday. If I can get it done I will debut it at work. With the air conditioning I am usually cold.

When I get my sweater done I will start working on the two ponchos that I want to do for Christmas. I have yarn for the smaller one all ready. Thankfully I have nieces and nephews that I can knit for since my kids don't want anything any more.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

First One Down

I am really excited. I am on track for my goal. I finished my first Christmas present today. It really didn't take as long as I thought it would. I love the way it turned out. I made a lap afghan. I used JoAnn's Sensations Rainbow Boucle that I got on sale for about 40% off. They are huge skeins at 11 ounces. I got 3 of them, but only ended up using 2. I doubled the yarn and used size 15 cable needles. The pattern was really easy. It was one I found on the internet. It is garter and stockingette stictch in alternating rows of 8. I think I made this one a little too wide, but the way the length worked out it is still a rectangle. I have another one to make. I will just adjust it so that it is a lot less wide and the rectangle goes up, not across. Chris asked me what it was this morning. When I showed it to him, he said that he wouldn't mind one of those in blue!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Head Band

One of the women in our knitting group is Chinese. She has only been here for about 8 years. Xiaoping is one of the most amazing fiber artist's that I have ever seen. She can look at something and know how to knit or crochet it. She holds her needles like a pencil and is even faster that some of the English knitters that I have watched.

Last week she came to knitting with a winter head band. Her daughter had bought one for $20. She couldn't believe it. She borrowed it and made her two for the price of one. She brought it to show all of us. Everyone wanted the pattern, but we were having a hard time following her directions. She finally set down with me and showed me how to do it. I got the assignment to come home and write the pattern down. I had to make one while I was doing it to make sure that I was doing it right. This is the result. I put the flower on. I thought it was cute.

Sydnee at work has been biking at 5am. (Crazy girl!) I gave it to her to wear under her helmet. She loved it.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Girls Hat and Mittens

I finished the baby girl hat and mittens. I put the flowers on them and love the finished look. All I want to do is say awwww!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Baby Hat & Mittens

I have two friends that are both expecting in the next couple of weeks. One of them had her shower yesterday. Since we are in the middle of winter, and I was still in hat mode from Christmas I made hats and mittens for them. Shayna is having a boy, and Kari a girl.

I decided that I wanted to use a little stronger colors than I noramlly do. I used Debbie Norvill's Serinity sock yarn. It is super fine, and so I doubled it. The hat and mittens took one skein exactly. Nice! They are so small. It is hard to remember my kids that little anymore.

I borrowed a baby doll from Shayna's daughter to model. It is a little smaller than a newborn, but they look really cute. The other set is done, but I want to put a crocheted flower on the hat. As soon as I do that then I will post the picture

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Little Butterfly Sweater

I am finally getting around to posting the picture of the sweater that I made for my other niece Victoria. I am calling it Little Butterflies. I did the butterfly stitch on the whole thing. The band and collar are garter stitch. I was really lucky and found some cute little pink butterfly buttons to set it off.

The collar was my attempt to make a peter pan collar. As you can see it didn't work, like I wanted it to, but not too bad.

I have started a couple of new projects. I have two friends that are having babies in the next couple of weeks. The first one is having a shower Saturday. I am 95% done with her gift, but can't say anything about it since I am not sure if she reads this blog. She is having a boy, and the other friend at work is having a girl. I am doing the same thing for both, but making them masculine and feminine of course. I will post pictures Saturday after she opens her gift. I think it is turning out darling.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Knitting Resolutions

I have so many things that I want to do this year. Here is my list of resolutions. Not necessarily to be done in this order. LOL

1. Finish my scrapbook/knitting/sewing room and finish moving in.
2. Help a friend finish two projects. (We are trading services. I love that!)
3. Make my 2 hat and scarf sets for my new coats.
4. Start on Christmas in Feb. (I actually have yarn for one of the projects that I am going to do.)
5. Finish the sweater that I started for myself. (I got the back, right front and 2/3 of the left front done before Christmas.)
6. Subscribe to a knitting magazine. (Just waiting for payday)
7. Learn a new technique. I am thinking about entralac. We shall see how the year goes.
8. Make 3 baby gifts for friends that are expecting all before March!
9. Start and finish the dress scarf that I have planned out of expensive yarn. (I have started and taken it out twice!)
10. Take a digital photography class. (Hopefully, I will take better pictures of my family and my handwork for my blog!)