Wednesday, December 18, 2013

New Wardrobe Addition

It's been about three weeks since my over indulgence in Christmas crocheting. You should really listen to your body when it gives you warnings. I didn't and now I'm paying for it. It is getting worse and worse. It really hurts. I can do very little without pain. I decided I probably ought to go to the doctor and see what he said.

I now have a new addition to my wardrobe. Thankfully it is only a half cast so I can take it off to shower.
Doctor says he can't see a break, even though I have the symptoms of a stress fracture. We are trying steroids and a splint cast for several days to see if the symptoms improve. I hope so. I feel like a wimp saying my wrist hurts.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Temple in the Snow

I love photography. I consider myself a novice, but I like to practice. On December 7th of 2013 we got record snowfall. In one day we got 6". My DH actually had to use a shovel on the sidewalks.

We live a couple of blocks from the St. George LDS Temple. I couldn't wait to get my camera out to see what I could get. Rare occurance in the desert.
I thought this one turned out really well.