Monday, May 27, 2013

Wonky Star Quilt Done

I finished my wonky star quilt tonight. I am so proud of it. It is totally done by hand. Even the bias and backing. I have to say that I think I'm a bit addicted now. Can't wait to start my hexagon quilt.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hexagon Fabric

I'm almost done with my wonky star quilt. This is my next project. I'm doing mine in shades of yellow and green. I can't wait. I have printed a hexagon template off the computer to cut the hexagons from.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Wonky Star Instructions

Tonight I Googled the instructions for making the wonky star block for my mini quilt. I was really nervous that it was going to be hard. Thankfully it is a lot easier than I thought. I got all my squares and triangles cut out tonight. I made a small kit to keep in my purse.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Scrap Quilt?

I had originally planned to make this first mini quilt a scrap quilt. I knew I would have to buy some white though. I got all my scraps out and had enough for three stars but couldn't find a good combination for a fourth.

So today I found myself going to the quilt stores. I started out at Clover Patch since they are a little less expensive. I found the darker green, but couldn't find a light. Off to Scrap Apple. I finally found one that would match. I also bought my white. Came home and washed them in preparation for cutting.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

New World of Mini Quilts

A friend and I were talking about quilts the other day. She mentioned mini quilts and skinnies. I hadn't thought much about either. Those phrases have been tumbling around in my brain since then. I decided to get onto Pinterest and see if I could find anything.

Oh my! I just found a whole new world of quilting possibilities. My paternal grandmother was a quilter. I have read the "Littlt House on the Prarie" books and many others with quilting in them. I have always wanted to hand piece a quilt. Just never thought it would be doable project. Once I saw some of these minis I realized that it was.

This quilt caught my eye. I don't have the brights like this, but I have a lot of batik scraps that would work. If I'm doing it by hand I can keep it in my purse for a lunch or Doctor office project.


Monday, May 13, 2013

Quilt Timeline Update

I completely finished the second row tonight. The quilt is officially a third done. I estimate at this rate I will have it done by t he first week of July. That would be so great.


I would like to enter it into the county fair in August. I'm not sure if I'm brave enough though. Now that I'm quilting it I'm seeing a lot of things that I need to improve on in the future. I have several seams that are not matched perfectly. They are off quit a bit. I also found a small tuck in one of the blocks. I don't now why I didn't see them before. Next time I will have to pay a lot more attention. I just keep telling myself that this is a learning experience. There has to be some sort of learning curve! I'm glad it is mine. I'm not sure I would be comfortable giving it away.

Monday, May 6, 2013

First Roll

Tonight I was able to do the first roll on my quilt. That seems like such a minor little detail, but it means a lot to me. First quilt milestones. The blocks in this quilt are 12". I can only reach half a block at a time. Since I have 6 rows I guess that kind of doubles it. That's okay. A little at a time.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

On The Docket Patterns

This afternoon I started thinking about some really cute quilt patterns that I had seen in Salt Lake last year. They were by Hearthsewn, and called On The Docket. They were for month themed mini quilts. They had been out of my price range at the time for the set of four. I had fallen in love with them though. I decided to Google them and see what Price I could find them for.

Eureka!! I found them on clearance for $6.49 a piece. I could afford that. As I read the description I discovered that they are foundation piecing. That will teach me a new technique. I am so excited to put them in my line of to do projects.