Saturday, March 30, 2013

Dixie Quilt Show

This weekend was the So Utah quilt show, Gems of the Desert. I went with my quilting friend Roni. I have to say even though there were many beautiful quilts, and quilts that amazed me, I wasn't as happy with the overall show. I'm not quite sure why. They had about 100 quilts. Here are some of my favorites.

This quilt was best of show. Quilts with these sharp point wedges have been really popular the last couple of years.

I really like these two. They are very simple in color, but the pattern repeat makes them striking.

I thought this was a unique way to make a sampler quilt. I wouldn't have thought of this.

This one I just loved the color and construction.

Here is a close up of one of the pinwheels on the side of the one above. These half squares were about 1/2" big. Crazy to make something that intricate.

These two were great examples of different scrap quilts. I really liked both of them.


This one I loved for the colors and shapes.

This one I just liked for the design and all the Pansy's.


Friday, March 29, 2013

I'm Done With Blocks

Tonight I was deserted by my family. DH went to bed VERY early and my boys were at a friends house watching movies. It was kind of nice. I didn't have to feel guilty for sewing all night. I got the last two blocks done. 30 12" blocks. Here are the last two.

I couldn't wait to see how they all looked together. I went upstairs and laid them out on my guest bed. The idea that I had originally was to lay out all 15 patterns and then just repeat the same pattern for the second set. That is how I laid it out. I think it might need some tweaking. Sorry for the lousy picture. I had the camera above my head trying to get as much in as I could.

I love how it looks, but this quilt actually took on a life of its own. It isn't like I originally pictured at all. I ended up using the black a lot more than I taught I would for one thing. Next is the sashes and cornerstones. I think that will just set all the blocks off. I got to counting them in my head. 42 cornerstones and 71 sashes. The cornerstones are a solid medium pink. I couldn't find a dark solid. The sashes will be white.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Four More

Tonight I did four blocks.

I can't believe it. I only have two blocks left and I'm done!


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Baby Bunting Plus One

I went to the copy center at work today and asked if the could copy my small DYT color card. It's not exact on all the colors, but I think it is close enough. I will be a lot more careful in the future.

Came home tonight and did the two blocks I had cut out and one more. I did the matching pattern foe the first block with only two colors and I did Baby Bunting.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Crown of Thorns Blocks Done

After a week I finally got back to my quilt. I got two blocks done tonight and two more cut out for tomorrow. Tonight I did the Crown of Thorns block.

I also got all my fabric out and decided which parings I'm doing for the final blocks. I'm starting to see the light at. He end of the tunnel.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

First Shopping Trip

My friend Kathy and I went shopping today for some clothes for my new wardrobe. She showed me how to use the color card. The first stop we went to a consignment store here in town. That is where I had the most luck. I found a gray knit jumper, grey skirt, a purple dress jacket, a green blouse/jacket, white hoodie and a three piece skirt jacket and top. It all came to $78. The three piece skirt set would have been that in the store.


We went to TJ Max and I found a cute pair of sandals. I also lost my color card. I can't believe it. I also can't believe anyone would want it not knowing what it was. I'm sick about it. Thankfully I still have the billfold size one.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I decided if I was going to be in this I was going to do it all the way. I have never worn a lot of makeup. One of the main reasons is I wasn't comfortable putting it on. I was afraid I wasn't going to do it right and so it was easier not to wear it. I usually wear blush and eyebrow pencil. My eyebrow hair is very light and it often looks like I don't have any.

Went to Walmart after work tonight and bought the rest of the makeup I needed to start my transformation. Boy, this stuff is expensive! I spent $55 on foundation, mascara, eyebrow powder instead of pencil, eyeliner, lip liner, lip gloss and two eye shadows. Serves me right for not having the basics I guess.



Thursday, March 14, 2013

DYT--Fighting the Colors

So today I'm doing the typical type two behavior, doubting my decision that I'm a two. I have a really hard time with this part of my personality when I second guess myself. I'm 95% sure I'm a type two. It's the other five percent that is driving me crazy. I have two good friends that are also twos. I have been texting them off and on all day. They both agree that I am a two and that I am over thinking this. Kathy brought up a good point. She suggested that I am a two and that the other traits are my secondary. I hadn't thought of that!

I have always been drawn to the type one colors. I tend to bounce from one thing to the next. I get bored easily. Look at my craft room! The other secondary is the type three. I tend to be the over achiever in many things. Once I finally make my decision I want to get it done and move on.

I am really struggling with the colors. Back in the 80s I had my color type done and I was a Spring. I have always worn those colors. Not sure about the grey tone thing. I'm just going to trust it.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

DYT Course Sale

As I mentioned in my last post I signed up for the free beauty course at DYT (dressing your truth). I immediately wanted to become a club member, but right know in my life the price was out of range.

Today at work I got an email alert for DYT. I was so excited. They were having a sale that was basically 66% off. I couldn't believe it. I really felt like Heavenly Father knew how much I needed this in my life right now. I couldn't pass up the chance. I purchased the course right then. It was a 1 day only offer.

I didn't talk about what DYT is in my last post. It is not a color system, it is not a fashion system. It is energy profiling. It takes into account your personality, character traits, facial features and many other things. There are four energy types.

  1. Bright & Animated
  2. Soft & Subtle
  3. Rich and Dynamic
  4. Bold & Striking

I am type 2. Soft and subtle. A lot of things make more sense now that I understand my personality type.

I have felt through the years I thought I wasn't bright enough. I felt mousy and like I often disappeared . A common feeling of type twos. Now I know that I was fighting against my nature. We often go to brighter colors than we should wear or put warm highlights in our hair. I'm guilty of both.

Carol Tuttle is the author of this system. Her supposition is that we are not taught to honor or energy and personalities by the fashion industry. Women are not one type. We are taught to chase fashion trends rather than what looks good on us. If it doesn't look good on us we believe that it is our fault, instead of the fact that it just isn't right for us. That resonated with me. If it sounds true to you I suggest that you check it out.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Dressing Your Truth

Had a long talk with a friend today. We were talking about self confidence. I admitted that I have never had a whole lot of self confidence. I know that I am a daughter of God. I know I have worth. I just have never felt beautiful or sexy. I just have never had confidence as a woman.

Now let me say right here that my husband tells me that I am all the time. I just find it hard to believe. I don't think I'm ugly. Just not beautiful. I have always done what I can to be clean and well presented.

I came home and looked up the Dressing Your Truth website. As I looked at the videos of the testimonials I was in tears. I was listening to women who felt like I did. At odds with the fashion weld and their idea of beauty. I signed up for the free beauty course to help me figure out what energy type I am. Stay tuned for my journey...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Chinese Puzzle

I have finished four more blocks. I found this more modern pattern for a Chinese Puzzle block. It is definitely more modern looking but I loved it. I will just mix it in with the others. It shouldn't stand out too much since it will be in the same fabrics.


Here are the other two I made. Blocks 17 and 18. Road To California. I counted last night and I have 20 different fabrics in this quilt. Add on two more with the binding and backing. Overkill? I hope not.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Half Way There

After this evenings sewing, I am at the halfway point. I have completed 15 blocks. Amazing. It hasn't been as hard as I thought it might be for a beginner.

I have done several blocks that had "flying geese" in them. Instead of wasting those corners I sewed a 1/4" to the outside and cut in between the lines. At this point I have 48 3" half square triangles. When I am done I think I will make a baby blanket with them. I will add squares from any left over fabric. Maybe I will make it for my first grand daughter down that future road.

Here are blocks 13 and 14.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Pink Quilt Named

I keep telling myself that I am not going to buy any more fabric for this pink quilt. Last night I decided I really needed one more med. I have enough lights and darks. Went to Clover Patch and didn't find my pink, but fell in love with a black and white print. Decided that I had to have it, and it was light enough that I still wouldn't have too much black in the quilt. What do you think. Darling huh?
Since I didn't find my pink I went over to Scrap Apple. I found my pink there. After choosing between four bolts. They didn't have a bolt of the day so they chose mine. 30% off. Cool.
I have decided I like naming my quilts. I think I am going to call this one Pink Explosion.

Friday, March 1, 2013


We al kind of did our own thing for dinner tonight. My oldest DS was at a friends house all evening. I got done with my dinner and went in the bedroom to get something. My DH was in bed fast asleep! Went downstairs to sew and it was dark too. My youngest was in bed also.
I took advantage of an uninterrupted sewing night and did 4 more quilt blocks.