This weekend was the So Utah quilt show, Gems of the Desert. I went with my quilting friend Roni. I have to say even though there were many beautiful quilts, and quilts that amazed me, I wasn't as happy with the overall show. I'm not quite sure why. They had about 100 quilts. Here are some of my favorites.
This quilt was best of show. Quilts with these sharp point wedges have been really popular the last couple of years.
I really like these two. They are very simple in color, but the pattern repeat makes them striking.
I thought this was a unique way to make a sampler quilt. I wouldn't have thought of this.
This one I just loved the color and construction.
Here is a close up of one of the pinwheels on the side of the one above. These half squares were about 1/2" big. Crazy to make something that intricate.
These two were great examples of different scrap quilts. I really liked both of them.
This one I loved for the colors and shapes.
This one I just liked for the design and all the Pansy's.