Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Wreath

About 10 years ago my sister made me a Christmas wreath that I have loved.  It has lasted well, even through a neigborhood kid vandal attack.  A couple of weeks ago when I took it out I realized that this was the year it needed to retire.  It was so sad and beat up looking.  There was no way to freshen it up even. 
About this time there was a 50% sale at Michael's on wreaths, but I didn't see anything that said, "Take me home".  I had been in the dollar store a couple of days before and they had a lot of ornaments.  I had also seen a tutorial on Pintrest on how to make an ornament wreath.  I decided to try it.

I bought 6 packages of ornaments at the dollar store and a couple of berry picks at Michael's along with a styrofoam wreath form.  (Boy styrofoam has gotten expensive!)  I started by doing the outside and inner rings.
Unfortunately it stayed this way for about a week and a half.  I quickly realized that I hadn't bought enough ornaments, and I was finishing up my Christmas preperations.  This morning my husband made me promise to finish it so we could have our dining room table back. 

I put all the larger balls on and then filled in with jingle bells and berries.  I wish I had been able to find some ornaments that were about 1".  I think they would have filled in some of my holes nicely.  Oh well!  Here it is after adding the berries and bells.
If I ever do another one I will do it a little differently.  I didn't have enough of the smaller balls.  It needs smaller stuff to fill in the spaces.  If you don't look too close it looks good.  Here it is on my door, where it does look amazing.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Spa Products

I have been playing on Pintrest for the last month looking for Christmas ideas. I found some homemade spa products that I wanted to try. I decided that I wanted to do something fun for my sister in law who has been so ill. She loves going to the spa, but since it is impossible right now I thought I would bring it to her. I also decided to do it for my daughter that loves stuff like this.

Christmas Candy Cane Bath Salt Recipe

Peppermint Salt Soak

You'll need:

• Glass or metal bowl

• 20 drops peppermint essential oil

• 3 tablespoons carrier oil (I used sweet almond oil or jojoba)

• Metal spoon

• 1/2 cup Epsom salt

• 1/2 cup sea salt

• 8 oz jar, tub or tin with lid

• food coloring (optional)

Step 1: Sterilized you materials in a hot-water bath (place in boiling water for 10 minuets, then set on a clean towel to dry).

Step 2: In a glass or metal bowl, add essential oil and carrier oil to dilute it. Add the Epsom salt and sea salt and mix thoroughly. I added one drop of coloring to make the mixture a soft pink. Mix thoroughly.

Step 3: Scoop into a 8 ounce (about 1 cup), wide-mouth container.

To use: Pour or scoop a fourth of the mixture under warn running water. Allow the tub to fill before sinking into the soothing waters. Enjoy!

The recipe is for one 8oz. jar, which is enough for four bath.

I actually made this with green instead of pink. I thought that was a little more Christmasy.

Brown Sugar and Honey Scrub:

Mix together 1 cup brown sugar, 1/3 cup mineral oil and 2 T. honey.

This one was so easy. I thought it would be fun for feet and elbows.

Vaseline or Un-Petroleum Jelly

Crystal Light

a small container

a mixing tool

Fill the empty small container with your Un-Petroleum Jelly. Add the Crystal Light. Keep adding and stirring till you have your desired color. If you put it on right away it will be exfoliating. Wait an hour and the granules will dissolve.

I think I had the most fun with this one. It was so fun choosing flavors and colors. It was so easy too.