Sunday, April 25, 2010

My New Cardigan

In October last year I started a new cardigan for myself. I got the back and both front pieces done, and then Christmas happened. I finally picked it back up last week and finished it. Just in time to wear it once before I put it away for next year. LOL! I like the color and the 3/4" sleeves. I am not really sure I like the neckline though. I stands up a bit, when I thought it would lay flat. Maybe it is because my shoulders are so narrow. I think that if I were to do the pattern again, I would pick up less stitches on the top, so that it would lay flat on me.

Monday, April 19, 2010


I finished the first of the two ponchos that I want to make for Christmas this year. I think that it turned out really cute. The pattern is so easy. I think I am going to add a crocheted rose to the front to dress it up though. Flowers are really in right now.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Going to the Next Level

In an effort to better my blog I have asked my daughter to make a new one for me. She is an amazing artist. I told her I would like to hire her to draw one for me. She said she would. I can't wait to see it.

I have signed up for several knitting newsletters. The other day I noticed an ad for a website that I had not noticed before called "Ravelry". I thought I would check it out. SO COOL! It is a website for knitters and crocheters. There are forums, that are fun on 1000's of topics. What I am really excited about is that there is a section to keep track of all your completed projects, works in progress, and a queue for the things that you want to do with pictures. You can also keep track of your yarn stash, books/patterns, needles and that kind of thing. They will even link to your blog and update when you update your blog. How cool is that? I spent part of the weekend putting some of my Christmas projects in, things I am working on and a list of things that I want to do. This is one of those times that I say "I love technology". My grandmother would have loved it!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

This and That

I have been a bad blogger lately. It isn't that I haven't had projects going, I have. I just have been really busy lately. I will try and be better. The picture below is a dress scarf that I finished in January. The yarn I used was a bunch of novelty yarns put together into one skein. I tried to do a different pattern originally and it just didn't work with the yarn. This is what I came up with. I would tell you what I used, but I can't find the yarn label. I am going to have to call my LYS and ask her what it was!In my last blog I mentioned that I had just finished an afghan. I am doing two of them the same for Christmas. I revised the dimensions a little when I did the second one. I liked it so much better that I pulled the first one apart and reknit it. Thankfully the pattern is really easy. They are both now done and will go on the shelf to wait.

I designed and knitted a felted bag to hold my phone charger and earphones. I take them to work every day so I can listen to music if I am filing or it isn't too busy. I will post a picture as soon as I find a button I like to put on and finish it.

I have a new "large" project. It originally started out to be an afghan for my daughter for Christmas. I showed it to a friend that knows her well and she mentioned that the colors seemed more mine than Ann's. I thought about it for a couple of days, and had to concede that she was right. I am still going to finish it. I love the pattern and the colors! It is an Heirloom knitted 9 patch quilt. I am going to make it for the guest bedroom. I haven't decorated in there, and so it will be my starting point. Now I just need to decide on a new Christmas present.

A couple of nights ago I pulled out a sweater that I started before Christmas for myself. I have all but the sleeves done. It is out of Bernat Baby Jacquards yarn. It has a background of white and then a lot of pastel colors. The yarn is dyed so that it looks like I am changing colors and making its own design. I really like the way it is turning out. Too bad that it is really starting to warm up here. It was in the 80's yesterday. If I can get it done I will debut it at work. With the air conditioning I am usually cold.

When I get my sweater done I will start working on the two ponchos that I want to do for Christmas. I have yarn for the smaller one all ready. Thankfully I have nieces and nephews that I can knit for since my kids don't want anything any more.